El Domingo was our first full day at El Hogar, and we tried hard to heed Liz Kinchen's advice to stow away the "Type A" personalities, live for the children and settle into “El Hogar” time. As of day two of our mission trip, we still have a lot to learn about slowing down. Sunday is the day to attend the Eucharist at the Cathedral, and we were dressed and ready to go an hour and a half early….still not getting the concept of calming down and relaxing.

The highlight of the day for the kids was the visit to Pizza Hut, which is a great treat for them. And there, connections were made that will last throughout he week and beyond. Tom, Bill and Ed entertained the girls Madeline, Maria and Katia with a 19-game tic-tac-toe contest while Rich and Josh made friends with William, Cezar, Luiz and Dennis (a charming, outgoing and very intelligent boy of about 9). Despite the language differences, we shared many laughs and Padre Thomas (who Tom Hamilton, has affectionately nicknamed “Padre Wiseguy”) commented "I've always wanted to have about 10 kids". Today Thomas, you have your wish!
All 19 of us crammed back into the van to race back to El Hogar, where we finally DID settle down, and spent the remainder of the afternoon playing with the younger kids. Ed and Rick were invited to anchor a raucous tug-of-war. And we all joined the kids on the "soccer field", (the concrete courtyard outside the classrooms) where most of the kids play barefoot, but play with such passion, joy and gusto that they might be playing in the Word Cup.
And as the kids settle into their Sunday routine of chores and dinner, we’re sitting down to our dinner in the Volunteer House for and an evening of laughs and good stories. Tomorrow we hear we`re off to build a wall.
Greetings from Tom, Tom, and Tom, Rich and Rich, Bill and Bill, and Josh and Ed!
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